Monday, January 17, 2011

Cars And Girl [Haru Motors and Donfan]

Hi, I am Marika, this blog's newest contributor. First up, I want to thank the duo of Gabrielle and Miko for inviting me to contribute. I hope I measure up to expectations. LOL!

I love cars, too bad that does not automatically make me a great driver, RL or SL. Grew up playing boys games with my many male cousins. The fascination for boys games still endure up until now.

This is a HienRC 1.01 which I picked up from HaruMotors. It is a group gift, but you will be made to choose from this model, the SLR mini, the Sakura-RC 1, and Muramasa. Just one.

I juxtapose the RC with the LC SLR which I also picked from HaruMotors through the Lucky Board a month ago. Check out the RC's. Here is your link.

Also found these toys at the Donfan Shop.

The Donfan hotrods come in a package and is a gift. There are four colors: black, red, yellow and blue. On the Lucky Board you can pick up a pair of Donfan Skyroads (one in pink and the other in yellow). Go check them out.

Happy driving y'all. And, well, don't drink when you drive.^^